What if we told you that a whole new dimension of customer engagement is now available thanks to transactional workflows? This novel method of message automation combines the proven triggering abilities of classic communication workflows with the high-speed, reach-all features of transactional messaging. But to understand the true potential of this technology, and what it could mean for your customer support efforts, we first need to delve into some basics.

| Everlytic | Supercharge Your Customer Support with Transactional Workflows

What Are Communication Workflows?

Workflows are engaging communication journeys your contacts embark on when they take a specific action on your digital touchpoints, like interacting with your landing pages, subscription forms, ecommerce pages, or even the messaging you send them.

Once a contact is inside your workflow, you can send them automated messaging, like personalised emails and SMSs, at predetermined times or when they fulfil specific conditions in your workflow. To do this, your contacts first need to enrol by taking some of the following actions:

  • Clicking on message links and opening emails
  • Subscribing to (and unsubscribing from) contact lists
  • Having their information changed/updated on a list or database
  • Visiting landing pages and clicking on links in those pages
  • Unenrolling from another workflow

When contacts start moving through them, you can use these communication journeys to nurture leads and support customers thanks to their interconnected nature and the complex triggering they support.

So, why don’t we see workflow technology being applied to transactional messaging? Well, thanks to communication platforms like Everlytic, you can now send your customers on engaging transactional journeys with ease.

Automated communication workflows give you the power to have engaging, profitable conversations with prospects when they need it most. Learn how they work in our Guide to Automating Your Communication.

Supercharge Your Customer Support with Transactional Workflows | Everlytic | Mockup of a Communication Workflow

How Do Transactional Workflows Work?

We recently discussed transactional messaging in detail, but it can be summarised as follows: high-speed, ultra-secure, 1-to-1 personalised messaging that you send clients when they transact with your business. Transactional workflows have the potential to make your transactional messaging more engaging, intuitive, and easily accessible to customers.

In other words, you can now make each business-critical communication part of a wider, purposeful journey that serves your customers under any conditions.

As mentioned earlier, standard transactional messaging gets triggered when your customers take specific actions on extensions of your chosen automation platform – or in comms originating from it. In comparison, transactional workflows can be triggered from an almost infinite number of online applications.

This is where integration tools make all the difference – ones like Everlytic’s new Zapier integration. Here workflow triggering, conditions, and delays are managed by Zapier, while ultra-reliable transactional messaging from Everlytic ensures that customers get the info they need without delay.

Transactional email can do wonders for customer support and retention. Find out how you can make this powerful mode of digital communication part of your strategy by reading our Transactional Email Guide.

How to Set Up Transactional Workflows

  • Find a reputable transactional messaging provider, like Everlytic, that can guarantee super-fast and secure sending and set up an account with them.
  • Create another account with a trusted integration tool like Zapier.
  • Integrate your transactional messaging platform with the selected integration tool.
  • Set up triggering, conditions, and delays for your new transactional workflows, then activate your trigger. It’s that simple.
For a straightforward explanation on how to set up an Everlytic / Zapier integration with a CRM, check out our dedicated Knowledge Base entry.
Everlytic’s Zapier integration allows users to create contact lists and add new contacts to existing lists via actions taken on thousands of third-party online apps. This is in addition to the ability to send transactional emails and SMSs.
This is only a taste what’s to come though since we are currently working on the next exciting phase of this integration. Phase two will see the addition of the ability to trigger events on third-party apps from the Everlytic platform.
Supercharge Your Customer Support with Transactional Workflows | Everlytic | Zapier Integration Diagram

Unleash the Full Potential of Transactional Messaging

Consumers prefer doing business in the most painless way possible, and your customers are no different. Provide them with the ability to receive business-critical messaging triggered from any online app and you’ll have a strategic advantage in an increasingly demanding market. With transactional workflows that reach beyond the boundaries of individual online apps, you can significantly boost your customer support capabilities in no time.

Set Up Painless Communication Integrations for Less

Are your customers continually asking you to integrate with popular online apps, but you’re worried about development costs? Or do you lack the technical know-how to set up a custom communication integration? Our Zapier integration could be the solution you’ve been waiting for.