by Nina Joubert

Keeping your database up to date can be a mammoth task, especially when you have so many bounces. If your bounce rate continues on the incline, it may affect your database reputation, which in turn could affect your deliverability.

Let’s not dwell on problems though, let’s talk solutions. Everlytic has introduced a new feature called “SMS on bounce”. This feature works systematically in the backend to send bounce recipients an SMS that tell them their email address is no longer valid and asks them to update their profile with new information. As they reply with their new and valid email address, the system will automatically update your database with the correct information.

For this feature to work however, you will have to have stored the recipient’s mobile number in your database. Email reports can also identify which bounce recipients received SMSs and how many of them updated their details.

This will help clean up your database and maintain a good email reputation without losing touch with your valued customers and subscribers.