Like any mass communication solution, voice broadcasting has been used poorly in the past – which is why it’s often associated with spam. But the real power of voice broadcasting isn’t in sending unsolicited messaging (which is bad for business anyway), but in integrating sound and the fast delivery of voice calls with the rest of your messaging strategy. Some of the best ways to use voice broadcasting include:

4 Great Ways to Use Voice Broadcasting | Everlytic | Digital communication software | Email marketing | Happy woman on phone | African woman on phone | Black woman on phone | Beautiful woman on phone

  1. Appointment reminders

Voice broadcasting is very effective in businesses where appointments or time-based events are key. This can include doctors’ appointments, dentists’ visits, and even notifications and updates for an event.

4 Great Ways to Use Voice Broadcasting | Everlytic | Digital communication software | Email marketing | Appointment reminders | Doctor's office

  1. Time-sensitive notifications

Because voice broadcasting is virtually instant, it works well for communicating time-sensitive information across a host of different industries.

In travel, for instance, voice broadcasting works well for notifying travellers of flight delays. In the financial sector, voice broadcasts work especially well for things like fraud alerts. In retail, you can use it for delivery reminders, so people know when to expect their parcels. And in almost any industry, voice broadcasting works well for payment reminders or employee notifications.

Personalisation tags in Everlytic’s text-to-speech feature enable you to personalise your voice broadcasts, sending messages that are relevant to each individual contact. Find out more.

  1. Emergency broadcasts

Sometimes you don’t have time to plan – you need to send something out as quickly and effectively as possible. Voice broadcasting is perfect for these kinds of emergency broadcasts. Examples include alerts for natural disasters, utility outages, or unplanned system downtime.

4 Great Ways to Use Voice Broadcasting | Everlytic | Digital communication software | Email marketing | Emergency broadcasts | Man running | Businessman running

  1. Political campaigns

We’ve all received calls from a political party during voting season. It enables parties to remind their followers of the things they stand for and the reasons why you should vote for them. But it’s also expensive and time consuming when the calls are handled manually.

Instead of using a call centre, voice broadcasting plays a recording to the subscriber. This is convenient, more affordable, and even less invasive than call centres – a plus for everyone.

Voice broadcasting is a vastly underestimated communication tool that can be used strategically to enhance your subscriber experience.