Your subject lines and the content of your emails are the most effective ways to optimise your email opens. But they aren’t the only ways. In step 17 of our free email series, 20 Steps to Effective Email Marketing, we explore five of the technical elements you can work on to improve your email open rates. Here are the five we cover in the series:

5 Technical Elements That Improve Email Open Rates | Everlytic | Email Automation Software | Blog image | Hands on keyboard

1. Email Authentication

Email authentication is done largely by email servers and it involves certifying that every email coming into an inbox was sent by the domain it appears to have come from. Improving this can do wonders for your email delivery. For a more in-depth discussion of these technical processes, download our Email Delivery guide.

2. Sender Reputation

Your sender reputation is made up of your blacklisting history, the volume of messages you send, and your bounce-management policies. Email service providers like Google check this reputation when receiving emails and use it to filter out spam.

5 Technical Elements That Improve Email Open Rates | Everlytic | Email Automation Software | Blog image | Man on desktop

3. Content Filtering

Every email’s content is scanned for common red flags for spam. Images, copy, subject lines, and links are all checked to ensure they meet the guidelines for legitimate email.

4. Registered Domains

Like your emails, the domain your emails are sent from also has a reputation. For instance, email servers check that every email comes from the domain it claims to by checking the domain key in the email. Registered domains are also classified by age and industry; more factors that influence the domain’s reputation.

5 Technical Elements That Improve Email Open Rates | Everlytic | Email Automation Software | Blog image | Woman working on desktop

5. Email Preview Panes

Some email clients have a built-in preview pane that allows readers to see what the content of the email is before deciding to open the email. Structure your email with attention-grabbing content right at the top, so readers with preview panes know why to read it.

Need to upgrade your email marketing game? Get all 20 steps to effective emails in our free daily email series: 20 Steps to Effective Email Marketing.