In 2020, Everlytic and Elizabeth from Novation Consulting hosted a POPIA Webinar Series to unpack the legalities of the POPIA legislation that will be enforceable in South Africa from 1 July 2021. In this POPIA Q&A blog series, we share some of the questions we received during the three webinars and the answers Elizabeth provided. This blog covers the questions we received on what you can do before POPIA becomes enforceable.

Everlytic POPIA Q&A: What You Can Do Before POPIA Becomes Enforceable | Data privacy | Legislation | Woman on laptop | Blog image

How to Prep for POPIA Q&A:

Yes, you can. But you’ll need to ensure that the request follows all the POPIA guidelines of being voluntary, specific, and transparent about content and channels.

If you’ve followed all the POPIA requirements, you will not need to get additional consent when POPIA is enforceable in 2021.

Preferably not as contacting clients from a previous employer is unethical. And in any case, the people on the list will need to opt in by the time POPIA is in effect anyway. It’s recommended that you start following POPIA practices now to ensure you’re compliant by the time the legislation is enforceable.