Email marketing helps to deliver one of the best ROIs in any industry. It’s key to any marketing strategy as it provides you with a dedicated channel to market to customers who’ve shown a specific interest in your brand. In retail specifically, a robust email marketing plan may improve your customer acquisition and conversions by increasing interest in your products. Here are 5 reasons to use email marketing for your retail store:

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1. Opt-In Emails Have a High Open Rate

When consumers opt in to receive communication from their favourite retail brands, it’s likely that most of them will open those emails. On average, 23.6% of recipients will open your email within the first hour of receiving it.

Marketing Sherpa says that 61% of consumers prefer to receive promotional emails from retailers at least weekly, while 38% want to be emailed more often (daily, twice, or three times a week). Experiment with your email sending frequency as your consumers may be eager to receive your communication. You can also use an email preference centre to offer your shoppers the option of choosing how often they want to receive emails.

2. Emails Can Influence Buying Decisions

PPC Protect estimates that a person living in a city sees between 6,000 to 10,000 ads a day. Many ads may have a subconscious element, but get ignored unless they intrigue or evoke feelings.

Unlike ads, opt-in ecommerce or retail emails are well received by consumers. As a result, Chron says that 76% of consumers have purchased from email marketing.

About 59% of consumers agree that email marketing influences their buying decisions.

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3. Cross-Sell & Upsell Emails are Useful

Cross-selling is the practice of suggesting related products to consumers when they check out or when you engage with them via emails or other marketing messages. Email marketing supports this well, making it one of the most valuable cross-selling and upselling channels at present.

4. Abandoned Cart Emails Boost Conversions

About 81% of ecommerce sales are lost to abandoned carts. That’s about 2 out of every 10 shoppers that complete the checkout process, leaving your business at a loss of revenue.

With cart-abandonment emails, the game changes. For example, if a shopper adds items to a cart but leaves or forgets to check out, you can send them an automated cart-abandonment email. This may help increase your conversions and reduce your abandonment rates.

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5. It’s a Good Way to Reach Mobile Users

As much as 63% of email messages are opened on mobile devices. Because of this, email is a great choice for mobile marketing. Email content can also be easily shared and forwarded with just a click of a button, which can help you reach more potential customers.

NB: Ensure that your online store is mobile-friendly to accommodate mobile shoppers.

A Go-to Strategy for the Retail Industry

There are many reasons to use email marketing for retail. It’s inexpensive, effective, and helps to deliver one of the best ROIs available. Use it to increase product interest, convert more leads, and acquire more customers.